Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hello June....

Hi there... It's June already & I've already graduated from high school. Should I be sad or happy?

Last month, me and my cousin went watching Iron Man 3 until 9 o'clock. I was afraid my mom would call me ask me to go home. She said, "You're not high schooler anymore!! You're officially an adult now. You can go home late, okay?" Then I realized that I'll be treated like an adult because I'll be an university student soon. Again, should I be sad or happy to finally become an adult?

Many people say that high school is the best time of your life. After spending 17 years in this world, high school had given me so much experiences.

July 2010, the school orientation. I thought school orientation will be scary, terrifying. But when I did it, I was one of those memorable experiences to have in my life. We had to search our Senior signature, doing the orientation chants, feeling completely scared when the Senior yelled, and the list goes on and on.
Then, the orientation finished. I passed grade 10 easily, not knowing that grade 11 will be such a "monster".

Grade 11, I almost don't know anyone in my new class. I didn't make much friend there, just a few I knew. They always know me as an introvert kid and the stupid one. Most of them underestimated me. Everytime I wanna prove them that I can, it always failed. And finally, grade 11 ended. I'm happy to leave that dark time of my high school time. But I didn't regret it at all.

Grade 12, much better than grade 11. This year went so fast. Feels like I'm on a plane that travels in the speed of light.

I spend most of my day at school, because school ends at 2PM. I met new people, even though I didn't have much friend there. I always went to BakBor, just to eat pangsit, our favorite food ever. I joined Deutch Language extracurricular in grade 10 & Scrabble in grade 11. I go to library after school, just to put my bag then borrow some books to read at home. I always buy "makroni", even though I know makroni isn't good for my body. I remember when we built popsicle bridge in Physics Class, had to sacrifice most of my time to built that, worked after school until 6PM. I always got red mark on Mandarin, once I joined "perbaikan Mandarin". Remember that thick-annoying-biology worksheet? We always spend most of our time searching "contekan" to fill that book.

Will I get these crazy-but-memorable-experiences again in university? I hope so... :')

Welcome the third phase of my life, adulthood.

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